At Kinney & Assosciates we believe in a thorough and complete architectural process, one that covers every aspect of your project from the initial concept to the final finishing touches. No matter what phase of your build you are currently in, we can help you navigate it ease and confidence.
Schematic Design — An initial design scheme that seeks to define the general scope and conceptual design. Rough sketches are presented at the end of this architectural phase.
Design Development — The Architect now establishes the building’s relationships and overall appearance through further development of the floor plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details, and equipment layouts. Major building materials and systems are initially identified. Quality standards are established and preliminary insights from engineers and contractors are integrated into the process. Electrical, environmental, and structural systems are also explored.
Contract Documentation — At this point in the process the design has been mutually understood and agreed to by all members of the design team. Detailed architectural renderings, construction specifications, and project schedules are produced. Documents are submitted to the Local Authority for a Building License, which is necessary to commence construction. In addition, the selection of a builder is initiated.
Bid & Negotiation — The Bid & Negotiation phase of an architectural process includes the establishment and administration of the bidding process and qualifications of outside contractors, issuance of addenda, evaluation of proposed substitutions, the analysis of submitted bids, and the final selection of the contractor(s).
Contract Administration — The architecture firm, along with the engineering team, work with the builder to absolutely compliance with all documents is met. A contract is formed between the Client and builder to address any issues associated with quality, compliance, cost, and time. Upon the conclusion of construction, the firm works with the Client and builder to monitor the completion of outstanding details or items in need of repair or replacement during a “warranty period”.
Before the launch of a project a feasibility study is initiated in which financial, economic, and technical factors are considered regarding the validity and integrity of the project before the actual pre-planning and design commence. During this time analyses of potential sites, future structures, and proposed developments are offered and evaluated. The environment surrounding the construction site is also researched thoroughly. Selection, development, and utilization studies are performed in order to establish potential and existing limitations, covenants, or restrictions.
Urban Design combines the key aspects of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, and Civil Engineering, while striving to push the boundaries of each of the separate disciplines in order to give shape and form to a city. Urban Design also seeks to express and expound upon the way in which we experience an urban setting, as well as the way we move through it on a daily basis. Architects working with Urban Design aesthetics and parameters derive the rules, guidelines, and frameworks that developers and builders must adhere to while working within an environment. These standards are developed through a collaborative discussion with the community in which the project is to be built, as well as key stakeholders within the city. Click here to read more about Urban Design.
Programming is the first step in the architectural design process. This step allows for the discovery of the client’s overall needs and goals for the project. These factors are documented in either written or graphic format (or both), from the usage of each room within the building to the surrounding outside living and workspaces. Elements of the client interview may include components such as natural light, window placement, environmental noise concerns, and proximity of rooms to one another within the building. Other topics of discussion will include the client’s budget, desired building materials, and overall expectations for the completed project. Click here to read more about Programming.